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from €100,000 to €10 million and more

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STARTUP GRIND 2024 - ...
"THE #1 EVENT FOR STARTUPS TO ATTEND IN 2024" The event will take place in the Sili ...
World Summit AI Amer ...
Interested in Artificial Intelligence ? Good News ! World Summit AI Americas is organiz ...
TechCrunch Early Sta ...
Let's come back to one of the best business cities of America: Boston! But what happe ...
PODIM 2024 - Sloveni ...
This time, let's join together in Maribor, Slovenia, to attend one of the most important s ...
VivaTech - Paris
Are you ready for the most important Parisian event of the year? VivaTech comes back f ...

Are you a company?

Get your business off the ground!

With invest2biz, look for the best investors to raise funds or finance the development of your business.

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Are you an expert or a partner?

Present your expertise or events to the community!

With Invest2biz you can present your business sector and expertise or the events you organize. Members will be able to contact you freely when they need your services.

Are you an investor?

Invest today to bring tomorrow's ideas to life!

With Invest2biz you have access to a list of companies looking for investors or to finance their growth.

invest2biz | Investor

How does it work?

Invest2biz is a directory that connects investors and entrepreneurs who want to develop their business.


Entrepreneurs submit their application which may contain a presentation, a teaser and possibly a business plan. This information is freely accessible by the investors registered on invest2biz who can choose to contact the entrepreneurs when the file interests them. The list of investors is available directly and it is possible for companies to send their file to investors according to the options subscribed.


A list of experts and private or institutional partners who present their services or events is also freely available to Entrepreneurs and Investors.


