Some tips for your fundraising

A fundraising campaign must respond to the need to grow your company in order to increase its revenues and value.

This requires a clear vision of the business with the ability to justify strong future growth in revenues. An investment fund is not a lender of money but a partner who will become your partner.

Fundraising takes time, and although there are a few rare exceptions, it takes a minimum of 6 to 8 months when all the lights are green.

It is very rare for investors to contact you directly. It is up to you to take the initiative to contact them directly or with the help of an intermediary, especially if your file is not fully completed.

Invest2biz gives you access to hundreds of funds with their investment criteria and with the contact details of a contact person who works within the fund and can guide you on the presentation to be made and the current possibilities of the fund with regard to your project.

Most professional investors have a strategy and criteria for investing in companies. You should check these criteria before sending them your application. This file must include a presentation of the company and at least a summary of the projected revenues over the next 3 to 5 years. In the following discussions, you will be asked to provide a complete business plan with detailed financial projections.

We advise you to contact one or two qualified funds at a time to start exchanges and not to send your application to all funds at once in order to be able to correct possible presentation and speech problems.

You must select the funds whose investment criteria match your activity and the amount you are looking for. Professional investors know each other and a dossier that 'runs' too long for all funds at once or that acquires a bad reputation has almost no chance of success unless there is a major change.

With Invest2biz, you can quickly detect the funds that match your needs by checking the details mentioned on the platform. You will be able to contact one of the fund representatives and send your file directly through the Invest2biz platform or by e-mail.

Your goal is to get an appointment with the investor to present your project and the financing you need.

It can be useful to be accompanied on certain subjects and you have access on the platform to a list of professionals who can provide you with solutions on different subjects (business plan accounting, financial, web, marketing....).

We wish you good luck in your search for an investor with Invest2biz.


